Currently, Infant Baptisms (for ages newborn – 6 years old) are being scheduled on an individual basis. Baptism classes for parents and godparents are required. Please contact the parish office for information on how to register for Infant Baptism.
Children (7+) and adults needing Baptism will go through the Rite of Christian Initiation process. See below.
Older Children (Age 7-17) & for Adults
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and Children (7 years of age or older). Process for those interested in joining the Catholic Church or just learning about or completing their initiation sacraments, please contact the parish office at 916.452.0296 any time of the year or email
First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
Parish children are prepared for the sacraments of Reconciliation (Confession) and Eucharist (Communion) through the Catholic Faith Formation program. This preparation takes place in 2nd grade. There is a requirement of two years in the Catholic Faith Formation program before receiving the sacraments (1st grade and 2nd grade). Please contact the parish office at 916.452.0296 for more information.
Catholic youth are prepared through the Catholic Faith Formation Program (PLEASE NOTE: the prepartion process is a 2-year program and attendance is required). Adults who have received First Eucharist and attend Mass regularly are prepared through the Adult Confirmation Program. Contact the parish office at 916.452.0296 for more information.
Contact the parish office at least 6 months prior to the wedding date. Marriage preparation classes are available. For more information, please email
Anointing of the Sick & Ministry of Care
Contact the parish office regarding the sick and/or elderly that are homebound or in hospitals and special-care facilities.