Visit our Parish Bulletin page to see the Mass intentions for this week.
What is a Mass Intention?
The Catholic Church has a long tradition of offering Masses for special intentions and for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed.
Whenever a priest celebrates Mass, he has at least two specific intentions: the first is to offer the Mass reverently and validly in accord with the norms of the Church; the second is to apply the grace of that Mass toward a specific need or intention. These second intentions are often requested by the lay faithful for things like the repose of the soul of a loved one, those who are ill, someone celebrating a birthday or anniversary, or in thanksgiving of something. When a person requests a Mass, a small stipend is usually given, but the priest will offer a Mass for an intention even if someone doesn’t have the money for it.
If you would like to request a Mass Intention here at St. Mary’s, please download the Mass Intention Request Form, fill it out and bring it by or mail it into the parish office. Please note that, per Canon Law (canon 953), Mass intentions may not be scheduled more than one year in advance.