How you can help our Fireworks booth at City Council

As you know, one of the main fundraisers that our parish has carried out annually is our Fireworks booth.  You may also recall that in September of this year, the City of Sacramento was considered banning ALL fireworks within the City.  While your comments at that time served to re-focus the City Council's efforts on illegal fireworks, the Council is now considering an amendment to the Safe and Sane exception to shorten the days of sale/use.  This would negatively impact the funds we can raise at our Fireworks booth.

You can help preserve this fundraiser by sending your comments today to your City Council member as this will be discussed Tue. Nov. 17. For your convenience, we are providing an sample email that you can use.  Find your council member & their contact info here.

Here's a sample email that you can cut and paste into an email.

Thank you for continuing to support my privilege to responsibility celebrate the 4th of July each year using Safe and Sane State Fire Marshal Approved Fireworks. I'm sure you understand that it is ILLEGAL Fireworks that are the problem!

Please do not put at risk the over millions of dollars collectively raised each year by my group and the other 100 plus Sacramento nonprofit organizations that fund critically needed programs throughout the City of Sacramento.

I fully support the recommendations made within the Sacramento Fire Departments staff report including: 1. Administrative citations for illegal fireworks and a social host ordinance for illegal fireworks with citations of at least $1,000. 2. Empowering citizens with electronic reporting options like the Nail'em smartphone reporting app. 3. Deploying dedicated illegal fireworks patrols and 4. supporting Senator Archuleta's effort to organize a local, state and federal effort to keep illegal fireworks out of California.

However, I respectfully but strongly oppose reducing the days of use! Instead I ask that the Safe and Sane Fireworks Exception be amended to allow the sale of "safe and sane fireworks" from Noon to 10:00 PM on June 28th and between 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM on June 29 through and including July 4th of the same year. In addition the Use/Discharge of "safe and sane fireworks" should be permitted only between noon to 11:00 PM on June 28th and between 9:00 AM and 11:00 PM on June 29th through and including July 4th of the same year.